When opening his own shisha hong kong entrepreneur, he must find the right room and provide protection for outside rooms from the smoke. The ventilation system for such institutions is very important because space will constantly smoke. What generally means a water pipe and how to avoid problems in the future? Are there SES standards for water pipes, and how do they regulate the work of such institutions?
SES requirements for a water pipe
There are no requirements in the provisions on-premises, so when choosing an area should be guided by common sense and comfort of visitors. One hundred square meters is enough for comfortable work. Placing a water pipe does not cause concern to others, i.e., there should be no educational, medical, or office buildings nearby. The main points of the existence of the water pipe related to the ventilation system and air conditioners. The airflow must be properly directed so that no smoke is generated. You will sell flavored cocktails without tobacco because, in this case, others are prohibited.
However, it is worth understanding which points should still be observed:
If drinks and snacks are offered on the premises, you must turn to the requirements for public dining places, not to mention the purchase of a license for alcoholic beverages if they are sold at the plant; It is worth paying attention to the reconstruction of the eastern interior. To do this, you can contact the hookah pipes for sale and already on the finished design to create a cozy place with an oriental taste; Ensure club members have fire safety; Keep clean and clean up on time.