Recruitment services consist of Human resource personal, whose work is to align the work force to any organization or economy. The department which manages human resource has also had to assure the ability of work force as well as the benefits of employee. The main duties of them is to conduct a recruitment process including job posting ,resume short listing, application scheduling , interview conduction along with background check of the candidate. Hence there are many essential works for the recruiter in the beginning step.
Who coined the word “HR”
John R. Commons a famous economist had coined the term human resource in long time back in1893. He had explained the human being as the worth object but after 1950, the prospective change and leads to the birth of human resource management. There are some factors which affect the labor market. They are the skill along with its aptitude. The geographical circumstances also have greater impact on employment. One of the basic factors which influence the HR is the difference of generation.
HR is important for any company
Now a day’s Hr payroll services is in trend that mean if any company need employee they can contact to the hr service provider and order for employee as per there requirement. Hr is quite important in order to develop an company successful from start to till end. It is responsible to create a great work ethics among employee as well as employers.
There are two main role of HR, operation and maintain administration. The organizational structure, location, Company expedition, development of country, growth per day etc are some factor which effect Human resource department. Hr plays very vital role because very first interaction of company body with candidate is through HR and he have responsibility to select the proper candidate for the desire post so that the selection of employee can contribute in the growth of the country.