also known as Streamlined Backshop is a single place where you can find model railroad and solutions, services and sales for digital command control.

Services provided by

  1. Digital Command Control (DCC) – the workshop is working to build a good selection of dcc sound decoders, the accessories, stations to give commands, its installation. They have products which include CT Electronic, DCC Specialties, Digitrax, ESU-Electronik Solutions, Lenz, USA, MRC Corporation, NCE Corporation, QSI Solutions, Soundtraxx, SPROG USA, Tam Valley Depot, TCS- Train Control System, Team Digital, LLC Zimo USA and others.dcc sound decoders
  2. Back shop Services- the services include- dcc decoder installation, dcc sound decoders installation. Installation products, dcc decoder custom framing milling, N sale Micro Trains Coupler installation, HO Scale Kadee Coupler Installation, locomotive and rolling stock repair, locomotive and rolling stock maintenance, custom electronic projects, locomotive, car and kit assembly. They will also assist you with projects and custom- engineered designs.
  3. Innovative products and solutions- it provides products and engineered solutions which include- pre- wired surface mount LEDs, Athearn LED assemblies, LED constant lighting- anti-flicker modules, aux 3-4 logic level function amplifier board, sbs engineered z- scale truck pick- ups, sbs engineered n-scale truck pickups, sbs engineered HO- scale truck pickups, ring terminal connectors, N and HO scale sound cars, N and HO scale sound car kits, N and HO scale end-of- train cars, N and HO scale passenger car Lightning kits, N and HO scale passenger car lighting kits, N and HO scale caboose lighting kits, N and HO Scale track cleaning cars.
  4. Model Railroad Rolling Stock and Supplies- the back shop is working to build great options for model railroad products and its supplies which will present them which make a great shopping experience. They also keep a stock of products for Z, N, HO, Hon3 and other large scale model trains. They also offer a selection of DC and DCC equipped motives ready for services. They carry the best products from manufacturers which include- atlas model railroad Co, black stone models, caboose industries, centerline products, deluxe innovations, fox valley models, Intermountain railway Co, Kato USA, Labelle lubricants, micro-trainsline Co, Midwest products Co, model power, Peco, red caboose products, testers, wheels of time, woodland Scenics and many others.